Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer Days, Drifting Away.

Who would've thought I'd sit here, in the finance- and grief-stricken summer of 2008, typing out a piece of choppy verbiage that recalls and makes relevant the words of John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John?

Tell me more, tell me more.

The summer's been oh-so kind to my mind. But as it speeds off like grease lightening, I'm realizing I have little to show for it.

Enter my third (or fourth, or fifth?) rendezvous with le blog. Bear with me, I can explain.

I'm a dabbler. Always have been, always will be. I am an accessory in the creative world; but a grain of sand in a musical desert, a leaf on the art tree. I can't write much more than a poem or a short story because of the grandeur of the commitment. Same goes for reading. Why do you think I stopped at Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? It's hard for me to take a lot of what I do seriously because most of it only represents a momentary conviction. But that doesn't mean I'll stop doing it.

And that's why the blog and I should get along. There's just enough time and space here to record an observation, dissect an issue, or detail an adventure. There's no plot, no extensive revision, no performance-based component. I'm going in with the mindset that I'm writing a column, pure and simple. It'll be right here in print, and if you want to read it you can. I'm not charging admission, so there's no anxiety for perfection or to perform.

It's getting hard to send out 30-plus Christmas letters in which I hack down a year's worth of details into three nice paragraphs. I haven't even considered what this blog might save me on postage.

News flash to a dabbler desiring stability: "diligence"--not "grease"--is the word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kyle Petty, reading your "blog" is the coolest thing! Makes me proud to call you family, you are an artist at words, Grandma is up there smiling as well. Peace and Love to you, "Care"